APP guide

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9.3 How to display customers

To view the customers entered in the master data, go to the Customer master data section by clicking on the menu at the top right. Once a customer has been selected, all details concerning the chosen customer will be displayed.

To find a specific customer, a search function is available that allows you to search for the customer by company name or name. It will be necessary to enter the corresponding information in the search bar to obtain the corresponding results..

Editing a customer, which already exists in the app, is only possible for admin-technician accounts.

To create a new customer, select the “New Customer” button at the bottom of the screen. A modal is then opened, in which a form is filled in with all the customer’s data. From the APP, the only mandatory field is the COMPANY NAME. The other fields are made optional.

A new customer can also be created when creating a new intervention. When you click on “create new intervention”, the modal showing all customers is opened, from there you can select NEW CUSTOMER. The same screens as previously seen are displayed. Report details.

dettagli rapportino

To create and display a customer via the WEB, the procedure is the same. Via the Customer List section Clienti.