APP guide
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9.1 How to create an intervention by APP
How to create an intervention by APP? BEEDUTY allows the creation of APP interventions in different sections:
- Via the home page “+ Add new intervention”
- Via the “+Add Intervention” menu section
In both cases, a customer selection screen will appear. This screen will show a complete list of all customers saved in the system, with the possibility of adding new customers also from the app.
After entering the customer, a new tab will be displayed with all the details to be entered in the report. The “Company Name” section will contain the name of the previously selected customer. In the “Reason” section, it will be possible to enter the reason for the intervention report. Regarding the “Intervention Type” section, you will be able to choose from several options if you have opted for the use of customised reports in the settings.
The “Planning Date” is the date on which the intervention is planned. Our App facilitates this process by automatically inserting the current date when creating the intervention. However, we also offer the possibility of customising it according to the user’s needs, simply by clicking on “Set another date” and selecting the desired date.
Finally, notes can be added to extend the intervention report.
The principle of how to create an intervention from APP is also the same on WEB: