APP guide
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5.2 User creation
To generate new users, it will be necessary to enter the Web APP as a super admin.
Once you are logged in, you will need to go to data settings and click on “My Technicians”.
To create users, simply click on “Add Technician” or “Add Administrator” next to the users you have already generated previously.
By doing so, you will have created your new user.
The role of the new user can also be changed later.
It is also necessary to enter the user’s username and password. You will need to enter them when logging in.
As soon as you click SAVE, if it is a technician, he/she will be added to the planning screen, and if it is an administrator, he/she will have full access to the Web APP.
You can always delete a user by clicking on “delete” in his/her box, if you prefer you can simply disable the user by clicking on “User Status”. The latter will remain on stand-by until it is reactivated, without being able to access the APP.
Credentials can also be changed via APP by opening the menu and clicking on “edit profile”. In that section, you will need to click on “change password” to enter your new credentials.