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4.2 Entering hours and kilometres of travel
Thanks to the options for technicians’ daily allowances, it is possible to add different cases for the technicians’ day. These options can be found in settings, options, called “daily allowance setting”:
By enabling the “enter daily travel hours” option, the technician, when entering his/her working day, will find an extra box called “travel hours” that can be filled in:
By entering data in the box, it is possible to determine the time it took the technician to reach the customer where he/she carried out the intervention. This option makes it easier to manage invoicing, if the hours are charged to the customer, or to manage the payroll within the company, if they are charged to it.
Another option that can be activated is “enter daily kilometres”. You will find the box “travel kilometres” to be filled in. Thus, the distance the technician travelled to reach the customer can be displayed.
The two options will be referred to as “travel” in the report’s working time management:
For these two cases, to make the technician’s work faster, it is possible to enter the travel data within the customer or location master data. By doing so, it will be possible to have the hours and kilometres already pre-set on the app:
It will always be possible to change the travel data during the working day entry.
The third option on the technician’s working day is to include lunch, dinner or overnight stay. This option is called “daily allowance entry”.
By enabling this option, the technician will be able to enable the three options when entering his/her working day:
Based on what the technician marks, the “daily allowance” section will be generated and on the report it will look like this:
The last option of the technicians’ daily allowance is “set equal hours and kilometres for the whole team”. This option is needed so that the technician, who carried out the intervention together with other colleagues, can fill out the equal workday.
By clicking on “Technicians”, you can choose which technicians did the job together with you, by selecting them you can have the day’s work shared (you do not need an active option for this part), plus equal hours and/or kilometres of travel will be applied for all.
The report will contain the names and various specifications for all technicians under working hours: