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4.1 Entry of working hours

When compiling a report, it is possible to enter the hours worked on a particular day.

Going to the job, you will find the “summary of work performed” section, clicking on the “add day” button will be displayed the screen for entering the time.

By clicking on enter, the hours will be added to the report and displayed within the app.

On the PDF the working day will be presented as follows:

Also in the workday entry section, it is possible to enter several workdays within the same report:

On the PDF the working day will be presented as follows:

In addition, there is also the possibility of entering times/days for more technicians. Those who carried out the intervention, together with other colleagues, can fill in the same day’s work for all.

If you click on the word “technicians”, within the addition of a day, you can choose which technicians and one day’s work will be added:

The number of technicians will vary according to those selected and the working day will be presented as follows:

The report will contain the names and various specifications for all technicians under working hours: