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11.1 Data Export

In the menu section “Data Export”, you can download CSV files. The functionality of these files is to be able to analyse and manage the data on BEEDUTY.

The Exports that can be carried out in this section are 2:

  • List of Interventions
  • List of material used in interventions

Thanks to a simple data selector, data can be exported.

In addition to the simple date filter, it is possible to click on “use advanced filters”. From this selection it is possible to download CSV files in much more detail, e.g. by downloading only the reports of a specific customer or technician. Below are all the filters you can use:

Furthermore, thanks to the ntegration with Danea EasyFatt it is also possible to download the list of CLOSED INTERVENTIONS as XML format, following the same logic as above. So that you can subsequently upload your intervention reports to the management tool.

Export dati Danea

This Data Export function allows the user to further improve his/her intervention statistics. It also allows him/her to have all interventions under control in a quicker and more intuitive way.

The CSV file presents all the details of the interventions, including the date, appointment to the technician, closing time of the intervention, etc…