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1.16 Setting Prices in Reports

By enabling the Prices and Costs, functionality, it will be possible to price intervention reports.

The settings allow you to enter the standard amounts to be used in the reports, select the reference currency, enable the display of prices in the printout, and indicate the possibility of using lump sum interventions. Prices can be indicated directly from the settings for: Technician, Intervention fee, Travel Hours and Km Travel, Lunch, Dinner and Overnight Stay. While for materials, it will be possible to add them within the specific material.

For the technician and materials, it will also be possible to enter the purchase price (company cost).


The Pricing function allows several points to be customised:

  • Intervention type, may have a specific cost -> it can be entered via Customise Intervention, on the selected intervention type
  • Custom fields, all custom fields of any type can be priced -> it can be entered via Customise interventions, on the selected custom field
  • Technician, each technician can have a different price and cost -> it can be entered via My Technicians, for the selected technician
  • Contract, each contract can be priced differently -> it can be edited via contracts, on the selected contract:
    • Only certain items can be selected for pricing, and the relevant price can be entered as well
    • They can be set as lump sum
    • They may not be priced
    • Contract activities, each activity has associated checks. The checks have the same principle as custom fields, their price can be modified by type -> they can be changed via Jobs and Check, selecting the desired one.
  • Report, each report can be customised according to the needs. It can be set as lump sum, or the values of the various fields can be changed. The print display can be removed.

The logic of pricing is: Report Settings > Contract > Intervention Type > Options. This means that for a contract report with a certain intervention type, the prices within the contract have a higher value than the intervention type, but if you change them within the report they have the higher hierarchy value.

Report displaying

This process applies to both APP and WEBAPP. Based on the various values entered in the various customisations, flags will be presented at the end of the reports. For lump sum intervention, the total intervention price will be shown:

If the intervention is priced, the price detail will be shown

From this section it will be possible to set different prices for: Intervention fee, technician’s hours and material.

Once you have finished editing, you will be able to view the various details on the PDF, for customised fields this will be the case:

For items:

And finally, a general summary will be presented: