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1.10 Interventions numbering

By going to settings, customise interventions, you can view the “numbering” section.

By clicking on edit, you can enter the various fields.

  • reset every year, with this option the numbering of the reports will start from zero every new year, from the first of January x+1 the numbering will change.
  • Prefix, you can enter it to precede the service number.
  • Suffix, you can enter it to succeed the service number.
  • Next number, indicates the service number of the next report, you can change it to suit your needs.

If for example the numbering is set like this:

the next report will have the service number set like this:

The prefix is highlighted in BLUE, the next number in RED and the suffix in YELLOW.

If you use the “Intervention Type Configuration” option, it is important to know that you can also customise the intervention numbering for intervention types. To customise interventions: