Guide de l'application
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8.5 Automatic renewal
For both MAINTENANCE and ON-CALL automatic renewal at the end of the expiry date, or hours, can also be activated for renewals after the first one.
To enter or change this option, you will need to go to the Contracts section and click on a specific contract. Once displayed, you will need to go to the RENEWAL INFORMATION section. It will be possible to flag Automatic Renewal or Automatic Renewal at the end of the hours (depending, of course, on the type of contract selected).
In this case, an on-call contract has been reported, in which both options are present.
The management of automatic renewal at the end of the expiry date and at the end of the hours is performed in the same way by the system. New contracts will be generated with the same data, description and identifier. In addition, the status of the old contract will be “terminated” and always visible within the renewed contract:
By activating the Automatic Renewal flag, it is possible to change the duration of renewals following the first End Date by means of the “Duration of subsequent renewals other than the first contract” flag. You can select to enter a numerical value and as a quantity Month or Year (Example: 3 YEARS, meaning that the contract after the first expiry will always be renewed every 3 years).