Guide de l'application
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8.2 Contract Activities
Contract activities can be created at any time in a maintenance contract. To create them, simply go to the Contracts section and select the desired maintenance contract.
Once the contract has been selected, click on the ADD ACTIVITY button at the bottom of the tab, in order to enter new activities or view those already created.
As a first section, it will be necessary to set the purpose of the activities: Machinery and Jobs, data already entered when creating the Contract, and Checks, editable via the relevant section of Tasks.
This tab represents the standard, but depending on the settings you have activated, you can insert and display different content. Example: The tasks section can be disabled.
Once you have set the purpose, you will go to the “Set Dates” section, from here, you can enter dates for activities.
In this section you can decide when and how many contract activities you want to generate. Those listed in Set Dates, are three distinct possibilities, not dependent on each other:
- By fixed interventions we mean how many times you want an activity to be done during a year/month. The system will automatically put the dates according to this logic, the number of interventions spread out over time equally. An activity will never be set on the first day of the contract, the first date will be set on the basis of half the time between one intervention and the next, in order to calculate the subsequent ones in an equal time frame. Below is the calculation:
- first intervention= total time/number of interventions/2+start date (6 interventions per year starting 01.01.23, first intervention will be=365/6/2= 30g –> 01.01.2023 + 30g= 31.01.2023)
- subsequent interventions=total time/number of interventions+first date (365/6=61g –> 31.01.2023 + 61g= 02.04.2023)
- PFor variable interventions, it is possible to flag the various months in which you want them to be carried out and the quantity. Here too, the first activity will not be on the first day of the year, but following the calculation of fixed interventions, only based on one month. Below is the calculation:
- first intervention= total time month/number of interventions/2 + start date (3 interventions in January, first intervention will be=31/3/2=5g –> 01.01.2023+5g=06.01.2023)
- subsequent interventions=total time month/number of interventions+first date (31/3=10g –> 06.01.2023 + 10g= 16.01.2023)
- Finally, you can set the dates you prefer in Choose Date.
Once you have decided on the frequency of the activity, you will need to click on Generate Activity:
Within the Activity List, it is always possible to edit dates and possibly delete activities
To save the activities, click on Save Generated Activities. The latter are shown in Planning, by clicking the green circle under the section Technicians, and in the section next to Contract Activities.
They will be displayed when they reach the maximum number of days in advance to perform the task and displayed late when they reach the maximum number of late days:
Opening the contract specification, clicking on Activity List will display all the activities created for that specific contract, with the possibility of deleting/editing them or creating new ones.