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4.4 Travelling time management
Using the options for technicians’ daily allowances, it is possible to enter the outward and return travel times and manage the away hours.
This option, allows the entry of travel data of several working days, the outward and return travel can be of two separate days. In addition, the return travel may be entered after the closure of the operation or may not be entered at all.
Click on “add day” to enter the various travel times:
To enter the outward data you will need to enable the flag and then click on “add day”.
Within the same section it will be possible to add the return data, using the same procedure:
When a return travel is not entered within a report and the intervention is closed, the report on the application will show a signal to remind the technician to enter the return travels, the same will be done on the Web app, to the administration:
However, the whole process of closing the intervention is done, and the PDF is also sent to the customer:
For the technician, by clicking on the icon or on open intervention, it will be possible to enter the travel data or send the report without return
Once the fields have been completed and the report sent, the intervention will be closed and the PDF will be displayed like this: