Guide de l'application

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1.4 Create interventions to be scheduled

When creating an intervention, several pieces of information must be entered to make it complete and effective, including the Technician and the Date on which it will be carried out.

Some fields are mandatory for sending the report to the technician, but if you need to have your technicians handle dates and interventions, you can omit “technicians” and/or “date”.

If you need to schedule an intervention without a technician and/or date, you have to click in the “TO DO” section at the side of the calendar and create the intervention from there or from the menu section “create new intervention”. By doing so, the date field will be empty.

After filling in, click on save and the intervention will be generated and entered in the “TO DO” section.

If, on the other hand, you create the intervention by clicking on the schedule, in order to achieve the same result, you have to click on “TO BE SCHEDULED” to have the intervention date and technician sections emptied.

The technician will be able to see these interventions in the app section “list of interventions ->  to do”.

These interventions will be viewed by all technicians in the same section. Once an intervention is opened and completed by a technician, it will no longer be visible to the others.

It is important to know that the interventions in the TO DO section are different from those in the planning section, which are shown in gray. These are not visible to the technicians but serve as an ‘organizational’ tool for the administration (if they are in planning, they already have both a date and an assigned technician). By clicking on one of these, the ‘SAVE AND SEND’ button allows you to send the report to the technician.”