Guía de aplicaciones

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8.6 Advance notice

In the section on contracts in Settings, Options, it is possible to activate the notice for contract expiry dates:

For both MAINTENANCE and ON-CALL, contracts, days in advance per notice can be entered. By entering a numerical value, you will receive an e-mail x days in advance based on what you have entered, which will indicate the expiry date of the contract. On the other hand, for ON-CALL contracts, you can also enter a notice for the expiry of hours, at x hours until the end of the contract you will receive an e-mail. In the e-mail you will find the contract, specifying the type, the identifier, the customer to whom it is addressed and the expiry date and/or hours.

This section is generic for all contracts, each contract has its own CHANGE DEFAULT SETTINGS section where generic values are preset, but others can be entered and changed.

changed. The mail will arrive on the mail address entered as “Report Email”, in Company, otherwise backwards in “Administration Email” and if this mail was not present either (both being optional), it would arrive on the “Main Email”.