Guía de aplicaciones

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7.1 Technician Clocking in and out

The company can view the details of the hours worked by each technician by activating the clocking in and out option, under settings, options.

The clocking in and out function is to indicate the technician’s entry and exit times during his/her working day.

It is also possible to enter the maximum delay minutes, i.e. how long before and after the technician can clock out in order not to vary the start/end time. You can also add the rounding minutes on the clocking in and out, i.e. the tolerance threshold, rounding minutes between actual clocking in and clocking out.

All these specifications will mean that the technician will have a button, as soon as he/she opens the APP, to start the shift:

To start the shift, drag the “Drag to the right to start the activity” button, the entry time will be shown above the button to indicate that a clock in has been made. Clocking in and out may also have several start and end times (e.g. lunch break).

To conclude your day, simply click again on “Drag to the right to end the activity”.