Guía de aplicaciones
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6.1 General Configurations
BEEDUTY allows you to send your intervention reports to the customer’s e-mail.
To get this option, you will need to go to settings, select options, and click on the “Send report by email” section.
By enabling this option, you will be able to send your intervention reports to customers, and also receive them on your office e-mail. If activated, they will be sent to the e-mail entered in the “Mail reports” box of the company data; if none have been entered, they will be sent to the main one of the account.
The option then allows the report to be sent to the customer at the end of the intervention, the screen that is shown to your technician at the end of the intervention will be as follows:
This screen will display the various mails entered in the master data for the customer you are servicing. You can always add new addresses by writing them in the appropriate section and clicking on the +.
By dragging the green button at the bottom, the report will be sent both to the selected mailbox and to the office mail. Instead, by simply selecting the option “do you only want to send to the office?” your customers will not receive the report.
If you would like to send via the web application, the procedure is the same. Once in the sending section, there will also be a list of all e-mails entered for the customer, with the possibility of entering new addresses. Entering it and clicking on the + will select it for sending.
To send the report only to the office, it will be necessary to click on “send only to office”, and for sending to the customer “send without signature”.
Also in the same settings section, you can decide to attach images within the e-mail the customer will receive. When the technician takes photos during the intervention, with the option activated, he/she has the possibility of attaching the photos to the customer as well. The latter will be able to view photos of his/her intervention via a link.