Guía de aplicaciones
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1.7 Customise your interventions
Within the settings, in the “customise interventions” section you can enter customised fields to make your reports more complete.
These fields can be of various types: text, true or false, short text, long text, numeric, date, time or multiple choice. They have several specifications that can be entered, e.g. whether to make them compulsory, i.e. binding for the closing of the report.
They can only be viewed internally or in web apps or even on the PDF of the report. It is also important to know that you can choose the position in which to place your customised fields.
As an addition, it is also possible to enter intervention types, i.e. multiple fields, which can be chosen according to the type of intervention to be performed.
By activating the option in settings, options, called “enable different intervention configuration”, going back to customise interventions, the page will change to make room for intervention types containing custom fields.
Like the simple addition of fields, a title for the intervention type must be entered here and below, all custom fields can be added, with the same logic as abov
When creating an intervention, each intervention type will have its own fields, so each intervention will have different “logic”.