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9.2 Completing an intervention
How to complete an intervention? When you reach the application’s home page, all the scheduled interventions will be available.
Without opening the intervention it will be possible to view the main data:
- date of the intervention
- customer at which to carry out the intervention
- main reason for intervention
Other reports can also be viewed via the “report list” section of the menu. From here, there will be NEW, OPEN and CLOSED reports. The colour identifies the status of the report.
By clicking on “Open Intervention”, the COMPLETING section is displayed. Here, it will be possible to see the main data of the intervention:
- Customer, with company name, address and telephone number. Clicking on the address opens the reference map application. For the telephone number, the APP will be opened so that the customer can be called.
- Reason for intervention
Scrolling to the left you will see the INFORMATION section, where you can view more details about the intervention. (such as associated technicians, attachments and other details).
In the COMPLETING section, you can fill in your job, entering attachments, notes, job description, day of work, etc… Once the report is completed, it will be possible to click on SAVE, so the report will be OPEN, or SAVE AND SEND and the report will be CLOSED.
You may also be interested in how to create an APP intervention: