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5.1 Types of users
To use BEEDUTY, there are different types of users:
- ADMIN, he/she has all the sections of the Web APP at his/her disposal, the only constraint being that he/she cannot have any interventions scheduled for him-herself. In fact, the admin does not have the APP available from a smartphone or tablet, but ONLY from a PC. He/she can create Clients, Items, Contracts, and above all he/she has the Scheduling of Jobs, to schedule them for other technicians.
- TECHNICIAN, is the one who carries out the interventions. The technician ONLY has access to the mobile APP and only sees the intervention section, and can only schedule them for him/herself and not for other technicians. He/she does, however, have the possibility of creating new customers during the creation of the intervention.
- ADMIN-TECHNIC, in addition to the admin function, he/she can have tasks assigned to him/her. The admin-technician has both the APP and the Web APP at his/her disposal. He/she can also, from the app, send interventions to other technicians.
- SUPER ADMIN, may be either an admin or an admin-technician. He/she has the same functions as the admin or admin-technician, plus he/she can add or remove users and access the Web APP settings, to change them. On the APP it is called “administration user” and is listed in the “Technicians Information” section under “My Technicians”, it is easily recognisable because the user box is highlighted in green.