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1.13 Change Customer position
Although all the specifications of a customer’s address are entered, it may be that the system does not set it correctly. Opening the map may lead us to understand that the customer is not in the correct position. To change the position of a customer, there are two ways:
1. By means of the customer master data. When searching for the customer, two buttons “See position” and “Is the position incorrect? Change position”. The first allows you to see through Maps where it has been placed, the second allows you to edit it.
Clicking to change the position will display a map showing where the customer is:
By moving the map with the cursor, the customer can be repositioned. Once the correct position has been identified, it will be necessary to click on SAVE to see the updated position.
2. The customer’s position can be changed directly through the “Maps” section. When several interventions are present at the same point, clicking on the “blue circle” will display this screen:
Next to the company name, a Position icon appears. From here you can do the same procedure, opening the map and repositioning the cursor, the position will be updated.