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8.4 On-Call Contracts
To create an on-call contract, you will need to go to the Contracts section of the menu. Once you have reached this screen, you will need to click on ADD to create a new contract.
As a first step, you will need to set up the customer, the entire list of your customers will be loaded and you only need to click on the desired one.
Next, a screen will be displayed where you will have to enter the contract specifications.
In this screen you can enter the contract type of MAINTENANCE or ON-CALL, in this case the contract will be ON-CALL. Next, the specifications of the contract must be entered: Identifier, Description, possible Locations, Machinery and Jobs, Start and End Date and Contract Hours.
Other contract-specific settings can then be changed in the relevant sections below.
Once all fields have been set, you must click on SAVE.
The contract can also be entered when creating an intervention. Once the customer has been entered, the software will already propose how many contracts are present for the customer. Clicking on it will be displayed the list of all contracts to enter them into the report.
Subsequently, the hours entered by the technician during his/her working day will be deducted within the contract, changing the “remaining hours”, and on the PDF it will look like this:
To create interventions with on-call contracts, click here.