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8.3 Jobs
Jobs are a section closely related to maintenance contracts. Jobs means the type of work carried out by a given technician (generic examples: plumber, electrician, boilermaker…). Checks, i.e. the “tasks” that a particular Job has (plumber: pipe leakage check, electrician: cable check, boilermaker: smoke check), are also linked to the jobs.
It can be activated under settings, options, in the general options.
By going to the appropriate section, you can add Jobs:
By clicking on a Job, you will be able to add the Checks that can be completed when performing the intervention:
Once this process has been created, you will be able to associate the Job to a Technician, go to the My Technicians section, enter it and it will be shown in the schedule under the Technician’s name.
For maintenance contracts, by entering Jobs and Checks, the technician will find the various sections to be filled in during a contract activity. They must be entered:
- When creating a contract, it is necessary to enter all the Jobs that will be used.
- Only one Job can be chosen during the implementation of an activity, and consequently the Checks, which are already present or new ones can be entered.
Once the fields within the report are completed, the PDF file will look like this: