The software already manages certain types of users according to role: TECHNICIAN, TECHNICIAN-ADMIN, ADMIN. Starting with these types of users, via the “My Technicians” section, it is possible to go and modify the permission group management, according to one’s needs.
Permit groups can be limited by the following actions:
- READ: possibility of displaying data on a page or setting.
- WRITE: possibility of creating or modifying certain elements or settings.
- DELETE: possibility of deleting certain elements.
If read permission is removed, write and delete are also automatically removed.
Some permissions cannot be removed because they are useful for the proper functioning of the software.
Below is a list of the various permits and their function:
Item master data
Display the "Item List" page, create, edit and delete items
Customer Master Data
Display the "Customer List" page, create, edit and delete customers
Customer Master Data ñ Creation
For users with an active management system integration. Allows viewing the 'Customer List' page, as well as creating, modifying, and deleting customers.
Customer Master Data ñ Locations
Allows viewing the 'Locations' section within the Customer List and the ability to create, modify, and delete customer sites.
Customer Master Data ñ Machinery
Allows viewing the 'Machinery' section within the Customer List and the ability to create, modify, and delete customer machinery.
Data Analysis
Display the "Data Analysis" page, view statistical data on interventions, contracts, technicians and customers
Mobile App
Being able to access the APP
Allows viewing the 'Options' page
Display the "Contract List" page, create, edit and delete contracts.
Data Export
Display the "Data Export" page, export csv files relating to interventions
Subscription Management
Allows access to the 'My Subscription' page.
Company Management
Display the ""My Company"" page, edit company data.
Intervention management
With this permission, you can view, edit, or delete intervention report details. Disabling this permission will hide the 'Intervention List' section.
Job management
Display the "Jobs and Checks" page, create, edit and delete jobs
Price Management
For the ADMIN role: Can view the options in 'APP Configuration' and the summary within the report details. Additionally, they can modify the prices related to interventions.
For the TECHNICIAN role: Can modify prices within the reports.
Technicians management
View the "My Technicians" page, edit, create and disable users
External Integrations
Allows viewing and editing of the 'External Integrations' page.
Customise interventions
Display the "Customise Interventions" page, create, edit and delete intervention customisations, intervention numbering and pre-configured reasons
Intervention planning
Display the "Interventions Scheduling" page, create, edit and delete reports
Clock-ins ñ Record your own check-ins and check-outs
Allows users to enter their own check-in and check-out times.
Clocking in and out admin
Display the "Clocking in and out" page, create, edit and delete time stamps
See colleagues' data
View, create, edit and delete details of other users
Display the "Item List" page, create, edit and delete items
Display the "Customer List" page, create, edit and delete customers
Customer Master Data ñ Creation
For users with an active management system integration. Allows viewing the 'Customer List' page, as well as creating, modifying, and deleting customers.
Customer Master Data ñ Locations
Allows viewing the 'Locations' section within the Customer List and the ability to create, modify, and delete customer sites.
Customer Master Data ñ Machinery
Allows viewing the 'Machinery' section within the Customer List and the ability to create, modify, and delete customer machinery.
Display the "Data Analysis" page, view statistical data on interventions, contracts, technicians and customers
Being able to access the APP
Allows viewing the 'Options' page
Display the "Contract List" page, create, edit and delete contracts.
Display the "Data Export" page, export csv files relating to interventions
Allows access to the 'My Subscription' page.
Display the ""My Company"" page, edit company data.
With this permission, you can view, edit, or delete intervention report details. Disabling this permission will hide the 'Intervention List' section.
Display the "Jobs and Checks" page, create, edit and delete jobs
For the ADMIN role: Can view the options in 'APP Configuration' and the summary within the report details. Additionally, they can modify the prices related to interventions.
For the TECHNICIAN role: Can modify prices within the reports.
View the "My Technicians" page, edit, create and disable users
Allows viewing and editing of the 'External Integrations' page.
Display the "Customise Interventions" page, create, edit and delete intervention customisations, intervention numbering and pre-configured reasons
Display the "Interventions Scheduling" page, create, edit and delete reports
Clock-ins ñ Record your own check-ins and check-outs
Allows users to enter their own check-in and check-out times.
Clocking in and out admin
Display the "Clocking in and out" page, create, edit and delete time stamps
View, create, edit and delete details of other users
To view the current management of groups allowed on user types click here.
Remember, if the TECHNICIAN user permissions seem “low” to you, we advise you to activate the user as ADMIN-TECHNICIAN and then change the various permissions.
To assign user permissions, you need to access the web platform and go to the ‘Settings’ section within MY TECHNICIANS. From there, navigate to the PERMISSIONS section:

By clicking on ADD GROUP, you can assign a name to the group, modify the permissions, and add the desired users with the necessary restrictions. Finally, save the changes.”