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1.15 Remote Interventions

The option “Remote interventions are performed for which no travel costs are to be charged” allows the remote intervention function to be used.

By activating it, through the settings section, options, two multiple-choice fields will be set up during Intervention Creation and Completing.

For the creation of the intervention, the field “Remote intervention” will be displayed with a choice:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not specified

These three options allow the technician to know where he/she has to carry out his/her intervention.

This information can also be entered by the technician in his/her APP:

In the Completing part, there will be a multiple-choice field “Intervention carried out remotely”, with possibilities:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not specified

In the case of completing, the option “Not specified” is not accepted by the system, but entered to allow the technician to choose the correct option.

It can also be completed via APP:

In addition, this option allows that in the event that the intervention is carried out remotely, the travel kilometres and hours will not be calculated and set to zero.

On the PDF it will be displayed like this, without kilometres and hours: