APP guide

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1.5 Reports change

Intervention reports can always be changed, even once they are closed.

When the report is not yet in the processing state, i.e. grey or red, changes are always possible, either from the App or Web App.
By clicking on SAVE or SAVE AND SEND, the processing step will always be changed. Even while the technician is working, it is always possible to change the interventions.
From the app, you simply open the report and click SAVE, whereas from the web, there are two alternatives:

  • from the intervention list, click on the desired report and change it
  • from planning, the “info” section will be displayed first, and to access the actual report, you will need to click on “report detail”

If you want to change a closed report, you can reopen it, only from the web side.

You will need to go to the report detail and click on “change closed report”

It will then be possible to make all changes and save the report.  

It is necessary to enable the option in Settings, Options: “Allow editing of a closed intervention report”.